24 April 2024

Installation of asphalt concrete on more than 22 km of roadway in the Kherson region completed

At two sections of the roadway to the Armyansk checkpoint on the territory of the Kherson region, road builders of the Russian Highways State Company applied markings.

A stretch of 16 km of the roadway from Perekop to Chaplynka was redeveloped, as well as about 6 km in the area of Novoalekseevka. Now, road workers have to construct ramps, renew culverts, install curb stone, and strengthen roadsides.

The main scope of works will be focused on more than 70 km of the route from Novotroitsky to Chaplynka. The installation of the lower layer of asphalt concrete has already been finished. The road builders have started laying the surface course now. Besides, curb stone and signs will be mounted. The project is being implemented as part of the 2024 program, but the works started as early as in the past year.

Earlier, the main traffic flow from the Rostov region to the Republic of Crimea was running through the Chongar checkpoint; now motorists will enjoy an alternative for reaching the peninsula, via the Armyansk checkpoint.
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