16 January 2024

At the first stage of the Dyurtyuli-Achit highway, preparations are made for the installation of a bridge span across the Belaya River

Two interchanges, 15 bridges and 32 overpasses are slated to be built as part of the construction of the first stage of the Dyurtyuli - Achit highway in Bashkortostan. This 140 km long section will be part of the extension of the M-12 Vostok to Yekaterinburg.
The central road structure of the new roadway will be a bridge over the Belaya River situated near the village of Vostretsovo, in Buraevsky District of Bashkortostan. Its length will be 812 m long, the structure will be supported by 11 footings. Now the bridge workers are concreting the foundation beams and support bodies. Works have begun on the installation of formwork for the construction of span structures, as well as auxiliary structures and the formwork for concreting bridge spans.
The technologies of balanced concreting and sliding formwork during the construction of supports can speed up the construction process. The formwork structure is moved vertically using special hoists and hydraulic guides, ensuring the continuous casting of concrete. The technology enables to avoid dismantling the formwork structure and installing it in a new place, which provides a noticeable time edge compared to the traditional method of jack-up formwork.
Also at the first stage of the Dyurtyuli-Achit highway, cut-and-fill works are carried out, storm drainage, lighting poles, and infrastructure for intelligent transport systems are being constructed. Procurement of materials for the summer season is underway, to commence works on the construction of road surfaces as soon as the weather permits.
The construction of the Dyurtyuli – Achit section of the M-12 Vostok with a total length of 275 km is split into three stages. The first stage runs across the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The second one passes the Perm Krai, and the third one, Sverdlovsk region. The works are scheduled to be finished in 2024.   
Owing to the M-12, new job opportunities are created in the regions it runs across, and extra opportunities for regional development emerge. Transportation becomes more profitable, faster and safer. This also provides an impetus for the development of interregional ties and the tourism potential of the regions. 
The construction of the M-12 Vostok Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg - Tyumen is carried out within the framework of the national project "Upgrading of Transport Infrastructure".