11 January 2024

With the introduction of new toll sections across the Russian Highways State Company roadnet, the number of emergency commissioners reached 128 units

In order to further advance the level of convenience and safety of road users along the entire toll road network of the Russian Highways State Company, an emergency commissioner service has been introduced and has been successfully operating for more than 10 years.
By the end of 2023, the number of emergency commissioner crews with the State Company’s road network reached 128. They operate along the toll sections of roadways, the length of which augmented by 862 km last year, mainly due to the opening of traffic from Moscow to Kazan down the M-12 Vostok, and amounted to 2,876 km in early 2024.
Statistics show that the service is in high demand among users. Thus, over the 11 months of 2023, emercoms provided aid in more than 100 thousand various cases, which is 6 thousand times more than throughout the entire 2022.
This year, as in previous years, most of the emergency calls are related to the need to provide technical assistance to owners of broken cars. Over the 11 months of 2023, emergency commissioners delivered technical assistance to motorists almost 60 thousand times. More than half of these calls were made at the M-4 Don.
The emercom service was addressed with a request to help refuel the car almost 19 thousand times. The crews ensured the safety of those who had been involved in road accidents in more than 7 thousand cases and 5 thousand times shielded those who had stopped in the wrong place due to a technical malfunction of their vehicles.
The emergency commissioner service is ready to come and help at all times, yet the motorists themselves should never neglect the traffic law and follow the recommendations displayed on notification boards and real-time info signs.